Bioeconomy Hawai`i Forum 2023
What’s new in Energy, Transport & Agriculture?
Agenda & Speakers
Welcome & Introduction
Watch the full recording of the 2023 Forum here!
Carl Campagna
Executive Director, Hawai’i Bioeconomy Trade Organization
Opening remarks from Hawaii Bioeconomy Trade Organization Executive Director Carl Campagna on the mission and vision for advancing local food, energy, transportation, and climate action across the State of Hawai`i
Zachary Wadas
Mechanical Engineering Technician, Simonpietri Enterprises, LLC
Welcome Poll: Who is attending and what are they interested in hearing about?
Session One
What’s new and what are the priorities for the State of Hawai`i in Energy and the Environment? How do those plans integrate with and support an integrated bioeconomy across Hawaii?
Hawaii State Energy Officer appointee Mark Glick and Representative Nicole Lowen talk story about action plans and policy priorities for the State in energy and the environment; and how they can be integrated with other sectors of the bioeconomy, including through the State of Hawaii’s Hydrogen Hub proposal to the federal government
Moderator: Carl Campagna
Mark GLick
Hawaii State Energy Officer
Rep. Nicole Lowen
Chair, Hawaii State House of Representatives Committee on Energy and the Environment
Zachary Wadas
Mechanical Engineering Technician, Simonpietri Enterprises, LLC
Session One Poll & Break
Session Two
Our journey to develop a community-informed bioenergy project for Oahu’s West Side
Sharing our story about how we confirmed and evolved the Aloha Carbon construction and demolition debris waste-to-fuel project based upon community input: What was a surprise? What was validation? How did a waste-to-fuel project end up getting into local fertilizer production?
Moderator: Jeff Mikulina
Jeff Mikulina
Long-time sustainability advocate & Host, Empowered Hawaii TV Series
Naomi Kukac
Communications and Community Engagement Manager, the Aloha Carbon project
Founder of the Aloha Carbon project & owner, Simonpietri Enterprises LLC
Zachary Wadas
Mechanical Engineering Technician, Simonpietri Enterprises, LLC
Session Two Poll & Break
Session Three
Talk Story on Transportation and Agriculture and their integration across the Bioeconomy
Senator Lee, Senator Gabbard, and Dr Azizi talk about integrated transportation planning and food production and its intersection with the bioeconomy, to include sustainable aviation fuel, renewable heavy-duty transport fuel, zero-emission transportation task force planning, and how those can support local food production.
Moderator: Carl Campagna
Senator Mike Gabbard
Chair, Hawaii State Senate Committee on Agriculture
Senator Chris Lee
Chair, Hawaii State Senate Transportation Committee
Ms Alanna James
Managing Director of Sustainability Initiatives, Hawaiian Airlines
Session Three Poll & Break
Session 4: Bringing it all together: Key Takeaways and Next Steps
Watch session FOUR now!
Benton Widlansky
Environmental Manager, Par Hawaii
What did we learn, what are key takeaways? What are our next steps? A highlight reel of the Forum by Hawaii Bioeconomy Trade Organization board member Benton Widlansky
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